Why Nue?

Content first

Nue is a web framework with a content-first development model. In this approach your site is optimized for content editing and creation. You'll move faster because the focus is more directly on the final result:

A content-first approach to web development
A content-first approach to web development

Universal hot-reloading

Make changes to your content, layout, styling, or interactive islands and Nue magically keeps your browser in sync. You can build entire websites without touching your browser. Learn more

If you need just one reason to use Nue, it's this one.

Move faster by writing less code

Thanks content-first approach, you need less time and effort to build the same thing:

Next.js blog template

Live demoSource Code

Nue blog template

Live demoSource Code

You need five times less code to build the official Next.js blog starter template. Thanks to Nue's simple syntax and separation of concerns.
You need five times less code to build the official Next.js blog starter template. Thanks to Nue's simple syntax and separation of concerns.

Websites and web applications

Use the same for both websites and single-page applications and enjoy the boost from universal hot-reloading.

Simple Blog

Tutorial / Live demo / Source code

Simple SPA

Tutorial / Live demo / Source code