Getting started

Status: Beta

You can use Nue to build production-ready websites, but with following limitations:

System Requirements


Nue comes with a command line interface (CLI), which can be reused across multiple websites and/or single-page applications. Install it globally as follows:

bun install nuekit --global

You can verify the installation by running nue --version. If the output looks something like "Nue 0.5.2 • Bun 1.0.33", you can start building apps with Nue. You can either start from scratch with the help of a tutorial, or you can start with a template:

Start with a template

The easiest way to get started is to pick a template. To choose one, run:

bun create nue@latest

After running the command you are asked to name your project directory and pick the template:

The following templates are available in create-nue repository:


Running Nue with Node

Nue works under both Bun and Node so you can alternatively install Nue with pnpm, npm, and yarn. For example:

pnpm install nuekit --global

The default engine for Nue is Bun. That is: the command line interface starts with the #!/usr/bin/env bun shebang. To override this setting, and run Nue with Node, you can do the following:

node $(which nue)

The which command locates the nue executable, and starts it with node. Running node $(which nue) --version should output something like "Nue 0.5.2 / Node 21.6.2". You can create a permanent shortcut to this command with alias. For example:

alias node-nue="node $(which nue)"

To make the above command permanent you should store the alias to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc depending on your system shell.

VS Code Extension

Here's Nue VS code extension for Visual Studio Code users (optional).


Please post an issue if Nue does not work on your environment.