Because web development used to be FUN!

I still remember the exact moment when I discovered jQuery. It was a revelation: Can I suddenly add logic to my pages in the same way I add styling? I surely can — this must be huge!

And it was: In the following years we got introduced to groundbreaking concepts like separation of concerns, progressive enhancement, and responsive web design. Things were great.

Then it changed

Developers discovered React and single-page applications. Facebook took over. Slowly but steadily JavaScript took control of everything. Layout, styling, and business logic were bundled together. CSS was ditched in the name of "global namespace pollution" and content-heavy websites were developed like they were single-page apps. Eventually, JS engineers won, UX developers lost, and the old foundation was gone.

Nue brings the fun back

Nue brings UX development back to the forefront. What used to take a separate designer, React engineer, and an absurd amount of JavaScript can now be done by a UX developer and a small amount of CSS. You begin to wonder why you ever built website any other way.

Peace ❤️