
Nuemark API

Nuemark brings a content-first development model for Bun/Node/Deno-based website generators and flat-file content management systems.

Check out Nuemark introduction

nuemark(input: string, options: Object)

Render markdown input with optional options object. Returns page object with additional html property containing the final HTML.

// tailing "/index.js" is needed under Bun (v1.0.21)
import { nuemark } from 'nuemark/index.js'

const { html } = nuemark(`Hello, World`) // 

Hello, World

nuemarkdown(input: string, options: Object)

Render markdown input with optional options object. Returns an HTML string.

import { nuemarkdown } from 'nuemark/index.js'`Hello, World`)) // 

Hello, World

parsePage(input: string)

Parses a page object for possible modifications before rendering it.

renderPage(page: Page, options: Object)

Renders the parsed page object with optional options object. Returns page object with additional html property containing the final HTML.

import { parsePage, renderPage } from 'nuemark/index.js'

const page = parsePage('Hello, World')
const { html } = renderPage(page) // 

Hello, World

Page object

Returned after parsing a Nuemark file. For example:

  meta: {
    title: 'Hello, World',
    description: 'Sample data from the front matter',

  headings: [
    { level: 1, text: 'Hello, World', id: 'hello' },
    { level: 2, text: 'How it works', id: 'how-it-works' },

  links: {
    video: {
      href: '//',
      title: 'HTML5 video element'

  sections: [
    attr: { class: 'heroic', id: 'hero-section' },

    // array of fenced code, components, and raw markdown
    blocks: [ ... ],

  isomorphic: false,

  // HTML is only present for rendering methods
  html: null,


Parsed YAML data in the page's optional front matter


Array of page headings (h1, h2, h3, etc..). This is useful for rendering pages table of contents typically seen on the "On this page" sidebar. Each heading consists of level, text, and id properties.

An array of reference links on the page. Each link consists of href and optional title properties.


An array of section objects on the page. Sections are divided with a --- separator. Each section is an array of blocks, which can be either components, fenced code blocks, or raw Markdown. This property is only for advanced users. Please post an issue if you want to broaden the documentation for this property.


A boolean flag indicating whether the page contains build-in tags that require an additional client-side Web Component to function properly.

Options object

Properties of the options object:


Data passed for the custom components. If you are using the renderPage method, this is extra data on top of the parsed front matter.


An array of custom components that you can define with JavasScript, JSX, TSX, or in Nue layout files.


Syntax highlighter function for fenced code blocks.

import { nuemark } from 'nuemark/index.js'

// unsure what's the best, so this is just pseudocode
import { hilite } from 'some-coloring-tool'

const { html } = nuemark(md_string, {
  highlight: function(code, language) {
    return hilite(code, language)

Custom components

Any object with the name and render methods can act as a custom component. Custom components are handed to Nuemark with the lib property:

const my_component = {
  name: 'my-component',
  render: function(data, lib) {
    return `<p>{ data.message }</p>`

const { html } = nuemark('[my-component message="Hello, World"]', {
  lib: [ my_component ]
}) // 

Hello, World

TSX components

You can create JSX/TSX extensions for Nuemark with Bun. First, you must install the following dependencies in your project folder.

bun add react
bun add react-dom

TSX file

Then we create a library called my-lib.tsx with two custom tags:

// first custom tag
export function MyTag(props: { message: string }) {
  return (
    <h1 style={{ color: 'red' }}>{ props.message }</h1>

// second custom tag
export function MyTag2(props: { message: string }) {
  return (
    <h1 style={{ color: 'blue' }}>{ props.message }</h1>

Nuemark lib

Next, we make the tags compatible with Nuemark:

// import React SSR (server-side rendering)
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'

// import "my-lib"
const tsx_functions = await import('./my-lib')

//Make lib compatible with Nuemark
const tsx_lib = Object.keys(tsx_functions).map(name => {
  return {
    render: function(data, lib) {
      return renderToString(tsx_functions[name](data, lib))

Render Nuemark

Once we have the lib, we pass it to Nuemark for rendering:

// render Nuemark using our JSX-based tag library
const html = nuemarkdown('[my-tag]', {
  data: { message: 'Hello' },
| lib: tsx_lib
}) // 
