Core nue concepts

Layout components

Nue comes with a flexible layout system that works as follows:

Headers and footers

The simplest form of layout is to define global headers and footers on the root level layout.html and call it a day. For example:

<!-- global, site-wide header -->
  <!-- logo with a link to front page -->
  <a href="/"><img :src="logo"></a>

  <!-- master navigation -->
    <a :for="name in areas" href="/{ name.toLowerCase() }/">{ name }</a>

<!-- global footer -->
  <p>© { name }{ new Date().getFullYear() }</p>
  <q>{ slogan }</q>

  <!-- Google Tag Manager (type attribute needed ) -->
  <script type="text/javascript">
    (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start' ...
    })(window, document,'script','dataLayer','{ gtm_id }')

In the above the template data is defined in the root-level site.yaml file as follows:

areas: [ Features, Docs, Blog, About ]
logo: /img/logo.svg
name: Emma Bennet
slogan: Less is more
gtm_id: GTM-TZNM36

Main Layout

Main layout is the HTML5 <main> element between the header and footer that typically varies between applications. You may have a sidebar under the documentation area and a "hero" area on your blog entries. Here's an example main layout for a blog entry:

  <!-- hero area -->
  <section class="hero" style="background-image:url({ hero })">
    <h1>{ title }</h1>
    <p>{ description }</p>

  <!-- slot for content -->
    <slot for="content"/>


Again, you can specify the main element on the root level and override it on each application if needed.

Head element

By default, Nue generates the basic head elements from the data stored on your data files plus auto-configures all script, link, and style tags based on your configuration and directory structure. You can extend this system data with a custom head module:

<!-- custom head settings -->
  <meta name="theme-color" content="#837cde">

Root layout

Sometimes you may want to take full control of the layout instead of specifying the individual layout components like the header and footer. Here's an example custom layout:

    <!-- system meta elements -->
    <slot for="head"/>

    <!-- custom meta elements -->
    <meta property="og:description" :content="og_description">

  <!-- custom body layout -->
      <h1>{ title }</h1>
      <slot for="content"/>


Single-page applications

With single-page applications you can simply start with the tag name of the main application on your index.html file:


You can freely customize the layout, for example:

  <h1>Acme CRM</h1>

Or you can take full control of the layout with a root level html element. For example:

    <!-- add this slot to keep things working  -->
    <slot for="head"/>

    <!-- any custom metadata here -->
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'">

    <!-- render data (server side) -->
    <h3>{ title }</h3>

    <!-- mount the app here -->
