
Nuemark tag reference

Nuemark is a content authoring format that extends standard Markdown vocabulary with small code snippets called "tags". These tags help you build rich, interactive pages without ever leaving the Markdown. A simple, concise syntax lets you create complex layouts with ease:


  Web design is 100% content and 95% typography

  [ "Learn more" href="/docs"]
  [! content.png ]
Nuemark is a human-friendly content format for rich, interactive websites
Nuemark is a human-friendly content format for rich, interactive websites

Tag syntax

Tag options can be supplied in different ways

// named "src" option
[image src="hello.png"]

// unnamed option
[image hello.png]

// YAML options
  caption: Hello, World!
  src: hello.png

// content option
  This is a pure content argument, accepting
  *formatting* and other Nuemark tags

// classes and ID
[image#hero.epic.bordered hero.webp]

// cute shortcut for image and video tags
[! hello.png]

Moreover, all tags receive the global configuration options from site.yaml, app.yaml, the page's front matter.

All tags are "headless": they inherit the look and feel from external CSS that is specific to the context. For example: a tabbed pane can look whole different on the front page than it looks under the documentation area.


Displays a button that points to a location specified in the href attribute:

// label given with the "label" attribute
[button label="Learn more" href="/docs/"]

// label without the attribute name
[button "Learn more" href="/docs/"]

// button class + nested body
[button.secondary href="/docs/"]
  Learn more

HTML output

Nuemark uses a link element (<a>) instead of <button> because links require no JavaScript.

<a role="button" href="/docs/">Learn more</a>

The ARIA role="button" tells the screen reader the element is a button, but provides no button functionality.


Button supports nested Nuemark content and the following options:

href the button label

label the button label. Can also be given with the unnamed attribute.


Renders an HTML table from the list of items on the component body

[table "Name; Email; Work title"]
  - Alice Johnson   |   |  Marketing Manager
  - John Smith      |      |  Software Engineer
  - Emily Davis     |     |  Human Resources Lead
  - Michael Chen    |    |  Sales Representative
  - Sarah Thompson  |  |  Graphic Designer
  - David Rodriguez | |  Financial Analyst
  - Jessica Lee     |     |  Project Manager
  - Daniel Kim      |      |  Accountant
  - Rachel Garcia   |   |  Customer Success Lead
  - Alex Nguyen     |     |  Web Developer

Here's another example where the data/options are explicitly defined with YAML:

  head: Name | Email | Work title

    - Alice Johnson   |   |  Marketing Manager
    - John Smith      |      |  Software Engineer
    - Jessica Lee     |     |  Project Manager

HTML output

      <th>Work title</th>

      <td>lice Johnson</td>
      <td>Marketing Manager</td>

    <!-- + all the rest  -->



head table header items separated with semicolon (";") or pipe ("|") character

items table body items where rows start with "-" (a YAML list item) and columns are separated with a semicolon (";") or pipe ("|") character. The items can also be given directly on the body (see the first example above).


Draws a generic layout block that is used as a container for Nuemark content. This is the most general use and expressive tag that allows you to build rich web pages with limitless possibilities:

  A simple <div> element with the class name "box"

  The component name ("layout") can be omitted

  This layout has two nested blocks
  The blocks are separated with "---"

  This layout has three nested blocks
  ## Full Nuemark support inside blocks

  [! /hello-world.png]
  The visual layout is defined in the CSS

HTML output

<!-- simple layout -->
<div class="box">The most simple layout</div>

<!-- with nested blocks -->
<section class="flex">
  <div>This layout has two nested blocks</div>
  <div>The blocks are separated with "---"</div>


item class name for the nested blocks

items list of class names for the nested blocks separated with a semicolon (";") or pipe ("|") character. For example items="card; card boosted" sets "card" class name for the first nested block, and "card boosted" for the second block.


Image is a multi-purpose tag for displaying images. It supports captions, responsive images, links, and art direction:

// simple image
[image hello.webp]

// with !- alias
[! world.webp ]

// caption
[! less-is-more.png caption="Less is More" ]

// rich caption
[! less.webp ]
  > Less is more
  -- *Mies van der Rohe* • Legendary German architect

// image link
[! book.svg href="/docs/" caption="View documentation"]

// art direction
[! small="ui-tall.png" large="ui-wide.png" ]

// a more complex responsive image
  srcset: planet.png 450w, planet-big.png 900w
  sizes: (max-width: 600px) 450px, 900px
  alt: This is the alt text
  loading: eager

HTML output

Depending on the options the rendered element can be an <img>, <figure>, <picture>, or <a> tag:

<!-- simple image, lazy loading is the default -->
<img src="hello.webp" loading="lazy">

<!-- with caption -->
  <img src="less.webp" loading="lazy">
  <figcaption>Less is More</figcaption

<!-- with link -->
<a href="/docs/">
    <img src="book.svg" loading="lazy">
    <figcaption>View documentation</figcaption

<!-- art direction -->
  <source src="ui-tall.png" media="(max-width: 750px)" type="image/png">
  <source src="ui-wide.png" media="(min-width: 750px)" type="image/png">
  <img src="ui-wide.png" loading="lazy">

<!-- responsive image -->
  srcset="planet.png 450w, planet-big.png 900w"
  sizes="(max-width: 600px) 450px, 900px"
  alt="This is the alt text"


alt is an alternate text for the image

src image source

caption image caption

href a link URL for the image

srcset defines a set of responsive images for the browser to choose between

sizes defines screen widths to indicate what image size would be best to choose from the srcset.

large the large version of the image. the large image can have a different aspect ratio than the small one, which is the difference between art direction and responsitivity.

small the small version of the image

offset the screen size when small turns to large. The default value is 750 (px).


Renders an HTML5 video element

// a simple video tag
[video hello.mp4]

// with !- alias
[! world.mp4 ]

// with some standard attributes
[! intro.mp4 autoplay controls muted loop ]

// with sources and poster
[video.epic width="1000"]
  sources: [ hello.webm, hello.mp4 ]
  poster: hello.png

HTML output

<!-- simple video -->
<video src="hello.mp4">

<!-- with attributes -->
<video src="intro.mp4" autoplay controls muted loop>

<!-- with poster and sources -->
<video class="epic" width="1000" poster="hello.png">
  <source src="hello.webm" type="video/webm">
  <source src="hello.mp4" type="video/mp4">


autoplay starts the video when the page is loaded. must be used together with muted or the autoplay does not work on all browsers.

controls displays the browser's built-in video controls

loop seeks back to the start after reaching the end of the video

muted plays the video without sound

poster a URL for an image to be shown before the playback starts

preload a hint to the browser on what to load prior playback

sources a list of video files. the browser plays the first one it understands

src a URL to the video file

width the video width attribute. control the other visual options via CSS


Future versions of Nuekit allow you to customize the look and feel of the video tag with CSS.


Displays a tabbed layout where the content is displayed based on what "tab" the user clicks. Here the "Second block" is displayed when the "Second" tab is clicked:

[tabs "First | Second | Third"]

  ## First content block
  Tab panels can Can contain Nuemark
  ## Second block
  [! hello.png]
  ## Second block
  [! world.mp4]

HTML output

<section tabs is="aria-tabs" class="tabs">

  <div role="tablist">
    <a role="tab" aria-selected>First</a>
    <a role="tab">Second</a>
    <a role="tab">Third</a>

    <li role="tabpanel">
      <h2>First content block</h2>
      <p>Full Nuemark support on blocks</p>
    <li role="tabpanel" hidden="hidden">
      <h2>Second block</h2>
      <img src="hello.png" loading="lazy">
    <li role="tabpanel" hidden="hidden">
      <h2>Second block</h2>
      <img src="hello.png" loading="lazy">


The standard is attribute turns the tag into a Web Component, using nuemark.js on clilent side. Nue includes the file automatically if you are using an isomorphic component like Tabs. Isomorphic are hybrid with both server/SEO part and a reactive client part.


tabs tab labels are separated with a semicolon (";") or pipe ("|") character. Can also be given with the unnamed attribute like in the above example.

key optional key for "aria-controls" and "aria-labeled" attributes as specified on the MDN documentation

wrapper creates a new parent element with a class name specifeid on this property

HTML layout with key and wrapper attributes

<div class="hero-gradient">

  <section tabs is="aria-tabs">
    <div role="tablist">
      <a role="tab" aria-selected id="tab-tab-1"
        aria-controls="tab-panel-1">Tab 1</a>

      <a role="tab" id="tab-tab-2"
        aria-controls="tab-panel-2">Tab 2</a>

      <li role="tabpanel" id="tab-panel-1"
        <p>Content 1</p>

      <li role="tabpanel" id="tab-panel-2"
        aria-labelledby="tab-tab-2" hidden="hidden">
        <p>Content 2</p>



Displays a syntax highligted code block offering more configuration options than markdown fenced code blocks and there is no need for triple backtick characters.

[code caption="index.js" wrapper="shiny" numbered="true"]

  function something() {
    // do the thing

HTML output

<div class="shiny">
    <pre glow><code language="html"> ... </code></pre>


caption a caption for the codeblock

wrapper creates a new parent element with a class name specifeid on this property

language the language of the nested code

numbered draws line numbers when enebled


Renders multiple syntax highligted codeblocks inside a wrapping element designed to be displayed as flex- or grid layout on the resulting HTML page:

[codeblocks.epic captions="index.html; module.js" classes="dark; light"]
  <!-- HTML code -->
  <p>Hello, world</p>

  // JS code
  function hello() {
    return 'world'

HTML output

<section class="epic">

  <figure class="dark">
    <pre glow><code language="html"> ... </code></pre>

  <figure class="light">
    <pre glow><code language="*"> ... </code></pre>



captions list of captions for the codeblocks separated with ";" or "|"

languages list of languages for the codeblocks separated with ";" or "|"

classes list of languages for the codeblocks separated with ";" or "|"

numbered draws line numbers when enebled


Displays a tabbed layout where the syntax highligted codeblocks are displayed based on what "tab" the user clicks. Here the "Second codeblock" is displayed when the "Second" tab is clicked:

[codetabs "First | Second | Third" languages="js | html | css"]

  // first code block
  const foo = 'bar'

  <!-- Second block -->
  <p>Hello, World</p>

  /* Third block */
  p {
    background-color: yellow

HTML output

<section tabs is="aria-tabs">
  <div role="tablist">
    <a role="tab" aria-selected>First</a>
    <a role="tab">Second</a></div>
    <a role="tab">Third</a>
    <li role="tabpanel">
      <pre glow><code language="js"> ... </code></pre>
    <li role="tabpanel" hidden="hidden">
      <pre glow><code language="html"> ... </code></pre>
    <li role="tabpanel" hidden="hidden">
      <pre glow><code language="css"> ... </code></pre>


captions list of captions for the codeblocks separated with ";" or "|"

languages list of languages for the codeblocks separated with ";" or "|"

numbered draws line numbers when enebled

wrapper creates a new parent element with a class name specifeid on this property