Syntax highlighting

Nue uses automatically highlights syntax blocks with Glow. It's a classless and fully semantic library that is specifically designed to work well with the global design system.

Styling syntax blocks

HTML markup

Syntax blocks consist of standard HTML tags only and there are no class names. For example:

  <code language="typescript">
    <sup>// a comment
    <em>"A string value"</em>

Built-in stylesheet

Whenever you add a syntax blog or a code tag on your page, Nue automatically includes a stylesheet for syntax highlighting. It is a highly configurable system based on CSS variables. For example:

/* setting Glow variables */
pre {
  --glow-base-color: #eee;
  --glow-primary-color: #823;
  --glow-padding: 2em;

If you want full control of your styling, you can disable the build-in stylesheet in site.yaml

syntax_highlight: false

CSS variables and HTML elements

Here's a list of all CSS variables and the associative HTML elements on a syntax block:

CSS variable Default value HTML tag Description
accent-color #419fff strong special emphasis
base-color #555 foreground color
char-color #64748b i brackets, commas...
comment-color #4e5d61 sup comments
counter-color #475569 line numbers
del-color 250, 110, 130 del deleted lines
error-color #ff0 u erroneous words
ins-color 50, 210, 190 ins inserted lines
line-color 50, 180, 250 dfn highlighted lines
line-opacity 0.15 highlighted line opacity
padding 1em container padding
primary-color #7dd3fc b primary accent color
secondary-color #f472b6 em secondary accent color
selected-color #2dd4bf26 mark marked code
special-color #fff label special words to stand out


  • CSS variables with no associated HTML element are attached to a root pre-element.

  • When line numbers are enabled, each line is wrapped inside a span element, and the --glow-line-number variable is attached to the span:before pseudo-element.

  • Highlighted rows are colored with a comma-comma-separated list of RGB values so that they can be manipulated with CSS color functions. These colors represent the bright border color on the left edge of the highlighted line, and the line background color is calculated with the RGB values and the --glow-line-opacity variable. Setting a value such as rgb(1, 2, 3) won't work.

Language-specific styling

Use the language attribute for language-specific CSS tweaks:

[language="html"] {
  --glow-accent-color: green;

Bolding, italics, and other formatting

By default, Glow uses bolding only together with --glow-special-color. Other than that all elements have no formatting, just color assignments. You can, of course, make any softs of CSS tweaks to fine-tune syntax blocks. For example:

/* bold all secondary syntax elements */
pre {
  em { font-weight: bold }