Frequently asked questions

Who are you?

I'm Tero Piirainen, a JavaScript and UX developer from Helsinki. I've been around for 25+ years founding startups and creating open-source projects. I'm known for Riot.js, Flowplayer, and jQuery Tools. Right now I'm focusing solely on Nue, which is by far the most ambitious project I've started.

My workplace in Helsinki
My workplace in Helsinki

Why start all this?

Because the current frontend stack has too many redundant layers. We need a simpler way to build websites and single-page applications, and we must bring UX development back to the forefront.

Who is this a good fit?

Nue is a good fit for the following people:

  1. UX developers: who wants to freely jump between Figma and CSS without a confusing designer-developer handoff process in the way.

  2. Beginner web developers: who want to skip the redundant frontend layers and start building websites quickly with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  3. Experienced JS developers: frustrated with the absurd amount of layers in the React stack and looking for simpler ways to develop professional websites.

  4. Designers: aiming to learn web development, but find the React/JavaScript ecosystem impossible to grasp

Who is this a bad fit?

Nue is a bad fit for React developers who prefer to use TypeScript for styling and are not interested in learning modern, standards-based CSS.

What is the ultimate goal?

The ultimate goal of Nue is to build a perfect web framework for UX developers. A simpler alternative to Next.js, Vercel and Netlify.

Isn't this just another web framework?

On the contrary. Nue is currently the only framework for UX developers.

How to migrate a large JavaScript codebase to Nue?

By converting your inline styling to semantic HTML, switching from JavaScript to CSS, and by assembling your content with the extended Markdown syntax. It's likely a full rewrite, but you are rewarded with a significantly cleaner, easier-to-maintain, and more performant product.

What are the risks if Nue goes out of existence?

The code you'll write is semantic HTML/CSS, progressively enhanced with JavaScript. That's how the web works. It's a universal way to build websites. You'll invest in skills that benefit you for years to come. There will always be a platform that understands standards.

Any plans to profit?

Yes. With pixel-perfect, easy-to-use templates for individuals, businesses, and design agencies. The well-organized and commented CSS code contains decades of experience and tons of useful tricks.

Who are your inspirations?

  • Steve Jobs. The greatest UX developer ever existed.

  • Mies van der Rohe. His philosophy; "Less is more" defines my thinking.

  • Jarred Sumner for Bun. It showcases the power of dreaming big.

  • Salvatore Sanfilippo for the inspirational coding style.

Where does the word "Nue" come from?

"Nue" comes from the German word "neu", which translates to "new" in English. It is pronounced like /nju/.

Can I help?

Please do! Send me an email: tipiirai @ gmail com.