Command Line Interface

A list of available commands and options


To view the help output, run:

nue --help

This returns the following output:

  nue [command] [options] [file_matches]
  nue -v or --version
  nue -h or --help



File Matches

You can specify file patterns to only build certain files. For example:


Serve the Current Directory


This command starts the development server for the current directory.

Build Everything

nue build

Compiles the entire site and prepares it for production.

Build for Production with Extra Config

nue build --production --environment staging.yaml

This command builds the production version of the site, using a staging configuration file for custom settings.

Build All Markdown and CSS Files

nue build .md .css

This command compiles only Markdown and CSS files, ignoring other file types.

Example Output

Here's an example output of the nue build command. The operation usually takes less than 100 milliseconds, even with hundreds of files: