Universal hot-reloading

Nue provides a powerful hot-reloading utility that automatically updates your browser as you edit your content, styling, layout, data files or reactive components:

Updatable assets

Hot-reloading is automatically enabled in development. The client-server communication is based on server-sent events. Instead of making a full reload, Nue uses a technique called DOM diffing to only update the parts of the page that have changed. Here are the details of what gets automatically updated:


  • Markdown content
  • Front matter (Example: document.title updates)
  • Layout files: Both root- and app-level layout.html
  • site.yaml or application-specific YAML data (Example: Master navigation updates)
  • Updates to other than the active page routes automatically to the new page


  • CSS file updates
  • Inline styling changes
  • New CSS files & CSS file removals
  • Complete theme change via changes in the globals: [] array in site.yaml

Reactive components

  • All component updates
  • Form components: Potential form data is restored to the updated component
  • Dialog components: Dialogs and overlays remain open after they update
Hot-reloading a reactive component

Syntax errors

  • JavaScript/TypeScript files (.js, .ts)
  • Reactive components (.nue, .htm)
  • HTML layout files (.html)
  • CSS files (.css)

JS error

Layout error


Nue hot-reloading applies to UI components only so updates to JavaScript/TypeScript extensions have no impact. These extensions are best developed and tested on the server side. The same goes to Web Components — the browser does not have the means to re-hydrate updated components.

Disable hot-reloading

You can disable hot-reloading with the hotreload: false configuration option. Hot-reloading is automatically disabled for the production build, as it makes no sense there.