Development experience: Next.js vs Nue

This benchmark compares the development experience between Next.js Blog Starter Kit and Nue Simple Blog through measurable metrics and reproducible scenarios. The analysis covers installation, build performance, codebase structure, and hot module replacement capabilities.

Installation and setup

MetricNext.js (15.0.2)Nue (1.0.0-RC.2)
Installation Time58s3s
Installation Size372MB11MB
Template Size-1.1MB
Dependencies254 packages10 packages
Setup Steps4 commands + manual openSingle command, auto-opens

Build performance

Initial Build23.66s0.15s
Subsequent Builds15-16s0.15s
Output Size78M1.1MB

Production output

Bundle Size265KB 38.5KB 4
HTTP Requests142
Time to Interactive2.1s0.3s

Development experience

Codebase95% JSX/JS90% standard CSS 2
Dev bundle size2.7MB 1130KB 2
HMR Latency0.5-1s50ms or less
Page Navigation~1s first time50-100ms
State PreservationVariableConsistent


The quantitative differences between Next.js and Nue represent fundamental architectural distinctions that affect development workflow. The following analysis examines these implications:

Development Flow Impact:

Architectural Implications:

Long-term Productivity Factors:

These factors compound in production environments. The measured performance differences translate to significant productivity variance when scaled across development teams and project lifespans.

The benchmark metrics can be independently verified by replicating the test scenarios with both templates under similar conditions. Each factor was measured under controlled circumstances to ensure reproducibility.

URLs & Resources

Next.js Blog Starter:

Nue Simple Blog:

All measurements were taken on MacBook Air M1 (2020), 8GB RAM, macOS 14.6. Network conditions simulated with Chrome DevTools using Fast 3G preset.


  1. Full breakdown: 16 JS files, 2 CSS files, 26 HMR modules
  2. CSS inlined in HTML, single JS file for view transitions
  3. 242KB JS + 11.4KB HTML + 8.7KB CSS + 2.6KB XHR
  4. 5.4KB HTML with inlined CSS + 3.1KB JS