
Reactive components in action. This list keeps growing.

Source code for all examples: examples.nue

Compiled version: examples.js

Playful examples

Fractal generation

This example was requested in Hacker News. Here’s a React version to compare with

<ul class="fractal">
  <li :for="am in rows"><b :for="el in Array(am).fill(0)"/></li>
  <script>rows = Array(20).fill(0).map((_, i) => i ? 3 * i : 1)</script>

Multiple fractals

Three fractals components styled differently

<div @name="fractals" class="fractals">
  <fractal class="first"/>
  <fractal class="second"/>
  <fractal class="third"/>

Canvas painter

Draw on the canvas below the source code

<canvas @mousemove="mousemove">
    last = [0, 0]

    mounted() {
      const { root } = this
      const ctx = this.ctx = root.getContext('2d')
      root.width = 800; root.height = 600
      ctx.fillStyle = 'white'
      ctx.lineCap = 'round'
      ctx.lineWidth = 20

    // reset canvas in every five seconds
    clear() {
      this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.root.width, this.root.height)
      setTimeout(_ => this.clear(), 5000)

    // reset Nue brand color every second
    recolor() {
      const colors = ['00c2ff', 'e2e8f0', 'fb00e2', '000']
      this.ctx.strokeStyle = `#${colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]}`
      setTimeout(_ => this.recolor(), 1000)

    // draw the line
    mousemove(e) {
      const { ctx, last } = this
      const to = [e.pageX - e.target.offsetLeft, e.pageY - e.target.offsetTop]
      ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(...last); ctx.lineTo(...to); ctx.stroke()
      this.last = to


Practical examples

Basic form fields

<form class="flexy">

    <input name="name">

    <input type="date">

    <h4>Special skill</h4>
    <select name="skill">
      <option>Front of the frontend</option>
      <option>Back of the frontend</option>
      <option>All of frontend</option>
      <option>Backend development</option>
      <option>Full stack</option>

    <h4>Fatique level</h4>
    <input type="range" min="0" max="5" value="3">


Server communication

Fetch data from server and update the view with the new items

<figure @name="fetch-fruits">
  <img :for="img in images" :src="/demo/img/{img}.jpg">
  <button @click="fetchFruits">Fetch more fruits</button>

    images = ['lemons', 'peas']

    async fetchFruits() {
      const req = await fetch('fruits.json')
      const fruits = await req.json()

Basic examples

Hello world

Render a single instance variable

  Hello { name }!
  <script>name = 'world'</script>


Incrementing an instance variable

<button @click="count++">
  Clicked { count } { count == 1 ? 'time' : 'times' }
  <script>count = 0</script>

Conditional rendering

Render HTML based on a condition

<button @click="count++">
  <p :if="!count">No clicks yet</p>
  <p :else-if="count == 1">First click!</p>
  <p :else-if="count == 2">Nice. Another one.</p>
  <p :else>Clicks: { count }</p>
  <script>count = 0</script>

Mouse tracking

Move mouse over the demo area

<div @mousemove="track" style="height: { h }em">
  Position: { x } x { y }

    h = 10
    x = 0
    y = 0

    track(event) {
      this.x = event.clientX
      this.y = event.clientY

Simple loop

Rendering with :for loop

  <img :for="img in images" :src="/demo/img/{img}.jpg">
    images = ['popcorn', 'peas', 'tomatoes']

Reactive loop

Nue auto-renders when arrays are manipulated


    <button @click="addFruit">Add</button>
    <button @click="images.pop()" :disabled="!images[4]">Remove</button>

  <img :for="img in images" :src="/demo/img/{img}.jpg">

    images = ['popcorn', 'peas', 'lemons', 'tomatoes']

    addFruit() {
      const img = this.images[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]


Update the view when input values change

<form @name="input-demo">
  <input type="number" :value="a" @change="a = $event.target.value">
  <input type="number" :value="b" @change="b = $event.target.value">

  <!-- number conversion -->
  <p>{a} + {b} = {1 * a + 1 * b}</p>

    a = 1
    b = 2

Child properties

Rendering child components with properties

<!-- parent component -->
  { a } + { b } = <sum :a="a" :b="b"/>
    // instance variables
    a = 10
    b = 100

<!-- child component -->
<span @name="sum">
  { a + b }

HTML expressions

Rendered with {{ double_brackets }}

  {{ label }}
    label = 'Hello, <u>Underlined</u>'