Compare FAQ

How is Nue 10 – 100× smaller?

Because of:

  1. Focus: Nue projects typically focus on one thing only
  2. Simplicity: Nue projects consists of simple functions
  3. No TypeScript: Nue embraces the dynamic typing in JavaScript

Are we comparing apples-to-apples?

We are comparing tools that attempt to solve the same problem but in a different way. You decide.

Why care so much about size?

It’s not about size. It’s more about the amount of code. Smaller projects are:

  1. Easier to use
  2. Easier to develop
  3. More stable
  4. Faster to execute

Learn the details on why minimalism is important in software development.

Why compare to Headless UI?

Headless UI is a popular, well-known project that gives you a good idea how components are developed these days. And you’ll find implementations for React, Vue, and Svelte.

Why the listbox component?

Because it is somewhere in the middle in terms of size and complexity. There are components like radio group that would favor Nue significantly more (closer to 100× ratio)

Why compare front pages?

They are great examples to showcase how a specific tool or ecosystem is used in real life.

Why Tailwind front page?

Because Next.js website is not open source and Tailwind is.


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